Other Greens candidates for the Pittwater Ward

Evan Turner-Schiller

I’m a life-long local, an environmentalist, and a small-business owner, with a Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management and a Bachelor of Communications from UTS. I run a local ecological gardening business and volunteer for Canopy Keepers as well as the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators. Involved in politics from a young age, I’m passionate about advocating for a more ecologically sustainable, equitable and thoughtful council.

Felicity Davis

I had a career in nursing and midwifery for 17 years before running an international science educational video business with my husband for 21 years. I’ve lived in Pittwater for decades, where my husband and I raised our family. Since retiring, I’ve dedicated much of my time to environmental causes. I run the Pittwater Knitting Nannas for Clean Energy group and am a member of Stop Adani and other climate action groups. I’m standing for council to do all I can to prevent catastrophic climate change at a local level.