I’m a journalist, activist and Mum and have lived in Pittwater for 20 years. I passionately believe in the importance of a strong community and that we must protect our precious environment for future generations.

I’m Miranda and I’ve represented Pittwater Ward on Northern Beaches Council for the last three years. During that time, I’ve strived to ensure Pittwater’s voice is heard. As a journalist, activist and local Mum, I passionately believe in the importance of a strong community and that we must protect our precious environment for future generations as we face the challenges of climate change.

Working with the community while on council, I’ve successfully organised opposition to a council proposal to cut more than 3,600 properties from Pittwater’s Conservation Zones. To combat inappropriate development, on behalf of all councillors I later revised and strengthened an NBC submission to the NSW government rejecting its proposal to increase density across residential zones. With our new planning rules under development, I’m also working to ensure new homes and businesses are built to cope with our changing climate.

One of my main goals as a councillor has been to secure a Tree Canopy Plan for the Northern Beaches. I achieved this last September, with inclusions to protect mature trees as well as to plant them in areas without canopy. Most recently, I've supported local arborists, ecologists and other residents opposed to the felling of healthy trees on public land - in particular at Ruskin Rowe, in Avalon. I’ve also secured extra funding for bushcare, and worked to improve council-promoted awareness of local priority weed species.

During my term, I've initiated a Coastal Management Working Group and am the NBC councillor delegate to the Sydney Coastal Councils Group - whose brief is to guarantee sustainable management of the urban coastal environment. As part of that group, I've supported projects such as cleaning up our waterways and a campaign to reject the NSW Government’s attempts to shift costs for NSW Beachwatch to local government. I’m also the councillor rep on the Currawong State Park Advisory Committee and have been an active member of the council’s Communications, Arts and World Pride Working Groups.

While raising my children on the Northern Beaches, I led or supported a range of community groups, starting with playgroups and P&Cs. I was a founder of the Protect Pittwater Association, which is fighting to recover Pittwater Council, and helped kick off the latest campaign to Save Mona Vale Hospital. I also support a range of local residents’ and environmental groups, especially Canopy Keepers, which we set up five years ago to preserve our urban trees. 

I’ve led a varied working life, but previously reported and wrote features for the Australian Associated Press. I see my role in the community as a listener and communicator – investigating and voicing issues of concern to locals. I earlier carried out research into child and maternal health in the Demography Department at the ANU. I hold an undergraduate degree from the ANU in Modern History and Aboriginal Studies, as well as a Masters in Journalism from City, University of London.

When I have free time, I love bushwalking, the beach, watching films and reading. I also swear by Pilates.